Talk English
You have studied English for years, yet you still don't speak English well. You've tried many methods and you still make grammar mistakes, you still can't speak English fluently, and you still can't pronounce English words correctly. You can read English, but you feel too nervous or too shy to speak English.
The good news is, this is very normal. You have simply used ineffective methods to learn to speak English.
Ken has been in your situation before, but now he can speak English like a native, and he accomplished that in six months. In this book, Ken is going to teach you how to completely get rid of your accent and develop an American or British accent to speak English just like a native speaker, and he'll teach you how to accomplish that in just six months.
In this book, you'll:
* learn to speak like a native in six months or less
* learn to do that on a busy schedule
* learn to speak English without translating it first
* learn grammar without memorizing grammar rules
* learn to build a vocabulary that lasts
* learn to pronounce English words like native American or native British
* learn to speak English fluently, correctly, naturally, effectively, effortlessly
* and more... to speak English like a native speaker.
About the Author
KEN XIAO is an English teacher who has walked in your shoes. He didn't speak any English when he moved to the United States at the age of 17. After three years from speaking no English to speaking broken English, Ken looked for the key to English fluency and found the secret. Using the secret, Ken quickly learned to speak English like a native speaker in six months. Ken also learned to speak two other languages like a native speaker in six months using the same secret.
Ken has been a interpreter with the United States Department of Defense. He is now an English teacher, school principal, and author.
To contact Ken Xiao, go to FluentEnglishPublishing.com.