You Can Get Over It
No Harbored Offense Is Worth
Sabotaging Your Future
There's no doubt that at some point in your life, someone has wronged you. You may even be in a painful situation right now. But you don’t have to let anyone’s actions against you pollute your attitude toward God and prevent His good plan for your future. What matters now is that you stop unforgiveness and bitterness before they began producing their deadly fruit in your life. If someone has committed an offense against you, God will deal with that person. But right now, He wants to help you so that this pain and trouble doesn’t immobilize you any longer.
Chapter titles include:
Jesus Understands Your Emotions, Frustrations, and Temptations
The Friend Who Became Jesus’ Betrayer
Uproot Every 'Root of Bitterness’
Ten Practical Suggestions To Keep Your Heart Free of Bitterness and Strife
In this book, Rick Renner helps you find your way out of the emotional prison that has tried to hold you captive. Let God speak to you through these pages so that you can walk free into the future He has planned for your life. No matter what the offense, He has truly made a way for you to get over it!
About the Author
Rick Renner, author of more than 30 books, is well known for his top-selling classics Sparkling Gems From the Greek and Dressed To Kill, which have sold more than a million copies combined. Rick's broad understanding of the Greek language and biblical history opens up the Scriptures in a unique way that enables readers to gain wisdom and insight while learning something brand new from the Word of God. A highly respected leader, teacher, and author within the Christian community, both in the U.S. and abroad, Rick and his wife Denise have traveled the earth for three decades, teaching the Word of God. They work together to see the Gospel preached, leadership trained and churches established throughout the former Soviet Union.
In addition to serving as senior pastors of the Moscow Good News Church, Rick and Denise are the founders of the Riga and Kiev Good News Churches, the Good News Training Center, and the Good News Association of Pastors and Churches, through which they oversee several hundred churches. The Renners also founded Media Mir, the first Christian television network established in the former USSR that today broadcasts to a potential audience of 110 million people. Their highest goal is to know Christ and to present Him to others in a meaningful way. Rick is the founder and senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. Rick and Denise reside in Moscow, along with their three sons and their families.
For more information about Rick Renner visit his website at www.renner.org or connect with him on social media.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RickRenner
YouTube: www.youtube.com/RennerMinistries
Instagram: www.instagram.com/rickrrenner
Twitter: www.twitter.com/rennerrick