Why Grace Changes Everything
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  • Language: English

Why Grace Changes Everything

Chuck Smith

The difference grace will make for you.... Grace.. It's a word we all love to hear. But do we all know what it means? Without it, our lives are dry and dusty. But when grace comes, it transforms our lives into something rich and beautiful. With remarkable insight gleaned from his own life, Pastor Chuck Smith unfolds the mystery of grace and reveals the surprising truth: We can never grow in grace by our own efforts. True grace flows from the heart of the Father through the love of Jesus Christ. To know that God is for you, that He loves you, is the greatest source of security you will ever know. That is grace-and that is what makes life worth living.


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About the Author

In 1965, Pastor Chuck Smith began his ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Only twenty-five people attended. What began as a small chapel has now grown into a church that seats over 2000 and is filled almost nightly. From the beginning, Pastor Chuck welcomed all, young and old, without judgment, placing his emphasis on the teaching of the Word of God. His simple, yet sound, biblical approach draws 25,000 people weekly.
The Word for Today is the Radio and Publishing Ministry of the late Pastor Chuck Smith. Our desire is to see the body of Christ grow in their knowledge of God through the study of His Word. We are committed to bringing you the solid and consistent teaching of the whole Bible taught by Pastor Chuck Smith. Within the pages of this catalog are teaching cassettes, and many wonderful books which will equip the believer and deepen your understanding of God's Word.
The Word for Today radio and TV programs can be heard on stations nation-wide. The program can be heard in over 350 cities world-wide, and airs more than 300 times daily.
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