On the run, carrying a secret her pursuers won't think twice about killing her to obtain, Holly Reilly turns to the only person who just might be able to keep her alive: her estranged husband, ex-special forces operative, Gabriel Reilly.
Caught between two deadly adversaries, Holly and Gabe are drawn into a centuries-old conflict poised to spill into the modern world, promising chaos and bloodshed.
A breathless blend of action and mystery, faith and fanaticism, Vessel exposes an unwritten history stretching back to the Crusades, medieval Europe and feudal Japan as it races to its final explosive conclusion.
About the Author
John Bowen is a multi genre thriller author who lives in the UK. When not playing video-games, reading, catching up on movies, trying to keep in shape at the gym and enjoying time with his wife and children, he occasionally finds time to write…
His debut novel supernatural suspense thriller WHERE THE DEAD WALK is an Amazon Top #100 Bestseller, his action adventure thriller VESSEL is an Amazon Top #30 Bestseller, his murder mystery, DEATH STALKS KETTLE STREET is an Amazon Top #5 Bestseller, and his free short story collection COLD SWEATS & VIGNETTES is a Top #100 Kindle Store Free Chart Bestseller.
His most recent novel is VESSELS, the sequel to VESSEL.