The Unplugged Alpha
  • Digital List Price: USD 9.99
  • Offer Price: USD 7.20
  • Language: English

The Unplugged Alpha

The No Bullsh*t Guide to Winning with Women & Life
Richard Cooper

Most men today are sent off into society with a broken belief system, which they use to make choices, that get them terrible results with life and women.
Men have been conditioned to be the quintessential "nice guy." They're trained to be overly humble, kind to a fault, and that just "being themselves" is enough to attract and keep the woman of their dreams. Men are told to believe that conventional masculinity is toxic, and to put women ahead of their own interests, passions, and purpose.
This has led to an entire generation of men forming very unhealthy attachments to women that they, unfortunately, often make their sole focus of their lives.
The playbook to women and life has changed, but most men missed the memo.
Do you want to succeed, and level up in every area of your life?
If so, then this book explains:
- The importance of maximizing your looks, money, social status, and game.
- Why it's essential to get genuine burning desire from a woman who wants to date you.
- The top 20 red flags that you must vet women for a long term relationship.
- How to become one of the top 20% of men that women swipe right for on online dating.
- Why smart men avoid marriage. And much more.
This book exposes the comforting lies you've been told throughout your life for what they really are. Enabling you to become a truly authentic Alpha that chases excellence, and leads a successful passion-filled life.


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About the Author

Richard Cooper is an entrepreneur, private equity investor, YouTube content creator, high performance coach & author.
Known for cutting through the BS and delivering the cold hard truth on many topics, including financial services, and intersexual dynamics between men and women, to learn more, visit "Entrepreneurs in Cars" on YouTube.
