The Silva Mind Control Method
The revolutionary program that teaches you how to use meditation and visualization to change your life.
First published in 1978, The Silva Mind Control Method has helped millions of people create better, happier, and more successful lives. Based on the extraordinary course pioneered by José Silva in the 1960s, this accessible guidebook uses meditation and visualization to help you alleviate stress, overcome bad habits and emotional insecurity, increase creativity, develop concentration, harness your dreams, and deepen your relationships. Featuring transformative advice and fascinating case studies, this revolutionary book teaches you to use your mind at a deeper and more effective level and reveal its extraordinary power.
About the Author
Jose Silva's life is more than a great American success story. It has transcended time and space to become one of the world's all time great success stories.
Orphaned at age 4, he never attended school a day in his life as a student; yet the reading and research that he undertook to help his own children, unlocked secrets of the mind and human potential that had remained hidden for thousands of years.
Jose Silva's 22 years of dogged determination to dig out these secrets has literally changed the world.
He actually found the secret of success.
He first started working with his own children in 1944, then in the 1950s and 1960s helped his neighbors learn how to actually use the untapped power of their minds to get whatever they wanted. While he never asked them to pay him, he was rewarded greatly with more knowledge on this subject than anyone else on the planet.
From 1966 to 1998 his Silva Mind Control Method helped millions of people worldwide, and since 1998 his Silva UltraMind ESP System is leading people into what he called "the beginning of the second phase of human evolution on the planet."
This man with no formal schooling wrote the book on mind development - in fact, he's had more than a dozen books published by major publishers, in two dozen languages.
Prior to his passing in 1999 he developed a new course - actually more than a course, he calls it a system: The Silva UltraMind ESP System.
In addition to helping people develop and use their own God-given intuition, the UltraMind ESP System includes a new scientifically-based technique to communicate with higher intelligence regularly and reliably to obtain help and guidance in carrying out your mission in life.
While Jose Silva may have moved on to new assignments, his work is still going strong, both in live seminars and in convenient home study courses.