The Quest of the Historical Jesus
  • Digital List Price: USD 12.95
  • Offer Price: FREE
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Philosophical Library/Open Road

The Quest of the Historical Jesus

Albert Schweitzer

The Christian religious tradition has shaped much of our world for two millennia. But separate from the practice of Christianity is the factual life of Jesus himself. In this groundbreaking study, philosopher and Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer delves into biblical text and historical evidence to deconstruct the many myths of Jesus’s life that have been propagated through the centuries. A seminal work, Schweitzer’s book brings into focus the social and political currents of Jesus’s time to rebut previous authors’ hypotheses and form an entirely new one of his own.
 A milestone text in its time, Schweitzer’s book was so dominant that virtually no new scholarly investigations of the historical Jesus were published for decades after its initial release. Now, more than a century later, The Quest of the Historical Jesus remains the standard against which religious academic studies are measured.


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About the Author

Albert Schweitzer is celebrated around the world as a European pioneer of medical service in Africa, a groundbreaking philosopher and musical scholar, and a catalyst of environmental and peace activism. He is the author of "Out of My Life and Thought".
