The Practice of the Presence of God
  • Digital List Price: USD 1.99
  • Offer Price: USD 0.99
  • ISBN/ASIN: 9789354998706
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Digital Fire

The Practice of the Presence of God

Brother Lawrence

First published in 1692, ‘The Practice of the Presence of God’ is a classic Christian text by Brother Lawrence, a lay brother in a Carmelite monastery in Paris. Christians typically remember him for the intimacy he expressed regarding his relationship to God as recorded in this book, which was compiled after his death. It consists of the best rule of holy life and contains the conversations and letters of Brother Lawrence. The basic theme of the book is the development of an awareness of the presence of God. It consists of sixteen short letters, a collection of spiritual maxims, four conversations written down by Father Joseph de Beaufort, and a brief bio, most likely by de Beaufort. Lawrence's method of developing the presence seems to have required discipline and willpower at first, but once developed, it became effortless. It became quite popular among both Catholics and Protestants and was praised by many.


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About the Author

Brother Lawrence was born Nicolas Herman in Hériménil, near Lunéville in the region of Lorraine, located in modern day eastern France and as a young man went into the army due to his poverty. At the age of 18 he received what he felt was a revelation of the providence and power of God. He went on to fight in the Thirty Years' War and later served as a valet, but within six years joined the Discalced Carmelite Priory in Paris.
Nicolas entered the priory in Paris as a lay brother, not having the education necessary to become a cleric, and took the religious name, "Lawrence of the Resurrection." He spent almost all of the rest of his life within the walls of the priory, working in the kitchen for many of these years and as a repairer of sandals in his later years.
Despite his lowly position in the life of the priory, his character attracted many to him. He had a reputation for experiencing profound peace and visitors came to seek spiritual guidance from him. The wisdom he passed on to them in conversations and in letters would later become the basis for the book The Practice of the Presence of God.
