The Complete Guide
What's the most important thing you are looking for from your book about aromatherapy and essential oils?
Clear advice from an expert in their field?
An easy to navigate guide?
Comprehensive list of essential oils and their uses
Value for money?
It seems to me that you may fit into one of three categories:
A novice looking for a book about essential oils for beginners who wants to learn how to treat themselves and their family safely.
A student or professional aromatherapist looking to grow their, already ample, aromatherapy library of essential oils books
A distributor for an aromatherapy multi level marketing company such as Young Living or Doterra who wants to better understand how to use essential oils
Am I right?
This free essential oils kindle book, a list of essential oils and their benefits, is written by a professional aromatherapist with 21 years experience and has a little something for each of you.
If you want to know what essential oils are used for, there are instructions on recommended oils for 60 different ailments
About the Author
Hi everyone, I am a clinical aromatherapist with over 30 years professional experience, the UK Director of National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists and an overseas speaker for the International Federation of Aromatherapy. I am also a regular contibutor to several trade journals.
I have a rather unique slant on essential oils in that I hear them as musical notes and they sing their wisdom for me.
The white books - the essential oil monographs - take the most recent clinical evedice from the laboratories and match them with the earliest mentions of the plant in history. Join me on mythological journies into the past and discover plant medicine in ways that you have never experienced them before.
My most recent book on Melissa encouraged me to become a bee guardian and Melissa priestess. That said, if you are looking for airy fairy information, look elsewhere. Less Titania, more Gimli Son of Gloyn, I only deal in real Down To Earth Medicine.
Feel free to check out my youtube channels:
and my website:
Thanks for your interest and support. I look forward to getting to know you better.