The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever!
In so many ways, God is always reaching for us: through circumstances in life, through hardships, and through joys. God is an intimate and loving Person Who is always looking for a way to draw nearer to us. But if we don't reach back, we will never experience the depths of a fulfilling relationship with Him. Nothing in Heaven or on Earth can change our lives for the better, more than a personal relationship with the Lord.
In this book you will discover the seven greatest prayers that will create a life changing, heartfelt relationship with God. Being both a study and a prayer devotional The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever will teach you the seven most important keys for growing nearer to Him.
About the Author
Adam is a preacher, a #1 internationally, Wall Street journal, and USA TODAY best-selling author of over 100 books mostly on the Christian faith. With over 3 million books distributed his titles range from devotionals, to Christian inspiration, to prayer books, business, and inspirational fiction. He is a devoted father of 4 boys. Through his travels he's seen the need for a new awakening and a new revival: A revival of the heart. Come join Adam on this journey of redemption and experience God like never before!
You can visit Adam at his author page on facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Adam-Houge-1639003286385672/
Notice: Adam Houge's Books are only offered in English at this time.
Adam est un pasteur, enseignant et un auteur Chrétien. Il est un mari dévoué et le père de 4 jeunes garçons. Durant ses voyages, il a remarqué le besoin d'une nouvelle prise de conscience et une nouvelle renaissance: Un réveil du cœur. Venez joindre Adam dans son parcours de rédemption et expérimenter Dieu comme jamais !
Note : Les Livres d'Adam Houge sont offerts uniquement en anglais pour le moment.
Adam ist Pfarrer, Lehrer und christlicher Autor. Er ist ein fürsorglicher Ehemann und Vater von 4 Jungs. Auf seinen Reisen erkannte er den Bedarf für ein neues Erwachen und eine neue Belebung -neue Belebung des Herzens. Begleiten Sie Adam auf seinem Pfad der Erlösung, und erfahren Sie Gott wie noch nie zuvor!
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Bücher von Adam Houge derzeit nur auf Englisch angeboten werden.