Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching", or Book of the Way, is the classic manual on the art of living and one of the wonders of the world. In eighty-one brief chapters, the "Tao Te Ching" llods at the basic predicatment of being alive and gives advice that imparts balance and perspective, a serene and generous spirit. This book is about wisdom in action. It teaches how wo work for the good with the efforless skill that comes from being in accord with the Tao (the basic principle of the universe) and applies equally to good government and sexual love, to childrearing, business, and ecology.
The Tao Te Ching is the most widely traslated book in world literature, after the Bible. Yet the gemlike lucidity of the original has eluded most previous translations, and they have obscured some of its central ideas
About the Author
My goal as an author is to tell great stories about interesting people. I’m more intrigued by the perennial themes of human experience (egotism, love, sacrifice, friendship, hypocrisy) than current topics ripped from the headlines (addiction, diversity, racism, abuse, loneliness, alienation). To paraphrase William Faulkner, the only stories that really matter are stories of the human heart in conflict with itself. My plays often show ordinary people in harsh, conflicting or tragic situations where their faith makes a difference in what they decide to do. Sometimes they succeed; sometimes they fail.
For years I've helped with line-coaching four high-school plays each year at Trinity School at Greenlawn (Shakespeare, Shaw, Chekhov, Williams, Ibsen, etc.). I've also produced and directed over a dozen readers’ theater presentations. At Greenlawn Press I managed the production of over 30 books for the retail trade and edited the 17-year run of a current-events magazine and the 7-year run of a scholarly journal. As a freelancer I've ghostwritten four books (most recently a 140,000-word biography for Notre Dame Press), I’ve had two books of nonfiction published, as well as a fiction children’s book, hundreds of articles, two short stories and over 20 poems—one of them an online video.
Currently I'm working as an editor and writer part-time in South Bend, IN. My web site is: https://toaftoaf.wixsite.com/homepage.