Sustain the Flame
"If you are reading this right now, that means God is wooing you deeper. He is inviting you to go deeper into the rivers of living waters. He wants to take you past your ankles, past your knees, past your waist, and over your head." — Heidi Baker, bestselling author of Birthing the Miraculous
Do you long to live in continual power and passion for Jesus, but feel yourself being pulled away by distractions and responsibilities? Do you dread the spiritual lows that inevitably come after powerful encounters?
If you are reading this right now, you are not here by accident. You are chosen by God to be set apart, consumed by the fire of His love as a warrior in the remnant army of Jesus lovers He is raising up right now.
With contagious passion and prophetic insight, international minister and revivalist Dr. Jennifer Miskov—with contributing chapters from Heidi Baker—ignites a fire to pursue Jesus with total abandonment, revealing how to keep the passion and fervor for God burning in your life in a sustained way and spread the flames of His love and power wherever you go.
About the Author
Todd Smith and his wife, Karen, have served as the senior pastors of Christ Fellowship Church for 10 years. Along with serving in pastoring roles for over 25 years, Pastor Todd has preached the Gospel, led crusades, traveled to the mission fields, and participated in pastors conferences in over 25 countries around the world, as well as hosting the outbreak of the North Georgia Revival that began on February 11, 2018. Pastor Todd and Karen are currently traveling all over the world and spreading revival fire wherever they minister.
JENNIFER A. MISKOV, Ph.D., is a revival historian, itinerant minister, and writing coach who loves to lead people into life-changing encounters with Jesus and invite them to experience a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. She is the founding director of School of Revival and Writing in the Glory. She is ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global and currently lives in Southern California. Learn more at JenMiskov.com.