Start Living Now (Stop Suffering)
We are all on the lookout for those magical, life changing methods and approaches which will promise to inevitably bring about an all-encompassing change in every aspect of our essence.
Much apologies, if you still hang on hopes on those promises, you must be hoping for the impossible.
Change starts from within. YOU must open your mind and heart, and, with much commitment, invest time, effort, and energy to bring about an all-encompassing change.
Upon reading ‘Start Living Now’, one must commit strongly to follow the exercises, for our actions are what inspires mostly our very essence. WHEN YOU COMMIT ON FOLLOWING THE GUIDE LISTED IN THE BOOK, IT WILL INEVITABLY CHANGE YOU TO THE BETTER IN MANY WAYS.
To master all that is listed here, may take a lifetime. Yet, the gratification you will get just by doing one action daily, will motivate you to continue on the path, as you slowly reap the success of becoming a better you\PERSON.
‘Start Living Now’ is divided into three chapters, as we build one on top of the other; ‘Living the Moment’ will serve as the groundwork for ‘Positive Thinking’ and then we go on to level three upon these two which is ‘Happiness’.
About the Author
Nate Wink was born and raised in the united states of america, a part of his career is teaching for special needs children and solving special behavior issues.
During his experiences he gathered lots of information on how to be transformed into a better person, he realized at some point that the world is missing some information on self growth / positive mindset and so on.
And then he started writing his first book with the motive to make differences in people's lives, as well as transforming him-self too into the better.
Nate believes that changing to a better person is "achievable" and not something that is "not impossible", anyone with a strong will and motive to work hard is capable to change him/her-self, and at the same time adding positive vibes to the world to make it a better place to live.
His favored expression is " the sky isn't the limit, limitation is all from your brain".