Sound Healing For Beginners
Are you often bombarded with feelings of guilt, stress, or anxiety & exposed to noisy, polluted environments?
These disharmonious frequencies pull our systems out of tune & we can start suffering from illness in mind & body.
Want to say goodbye to all of the overwhelming sound healing info out there & discover what works for you?
If so, you came to the right place.
You see, using sound healing to your benefit doesn't have to be difficult, even if you feel like you've already tried everything.
In fact, it's easier than you think.
Try to sing 'uuh,' 'ooo,' 'aaa,' 'eye,' 'aye,' and 'eee' in one breath, at a pitch that is comfortable for you, & listen to the harmonics already contained within your voice without you even really trying.
About the Author
Ascending Vibrations is an independent publishing and content creation group dedicated to the spiritual growth of anyone seeking to expand their consciousness and elevate their vibration.
Because Ascending Vibrations does not focus on bringing any particular author to the forefront, it avoids the illusion of personality constructs and, thus, seeks to cultivate a community of like-minded individuals set on augmenting and expediting humanity's conscious evolution–a collective of authors, artists, and channels, if you will.
They wish to add to the recent rapid surge in conscious awareness and raising of the planet's frequency with in-depth and easy-to-grasp works on spiritual essentials (and hard-to-come-by non-mainstream wisdom), such as mindfulness, chakra-boosting, sound healing secrets, ancient knowledge, yogic techniques, and so much more.
The Ascending Vibrations works are crafted to be of immediate and pragmatic use to both the spiritually curious beginner and the awakened being alike.
Join them on their mission to fuel the flames of conscious awareness and burn up the ego's illusions that have been devastating the planet.