Seek Him First
Start seeking God first in your life!
Do you struggle to have a consistent quiet time with God?
Do you wonder how to know if you are hearing from God?
Do you desire to know God's will for your life?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, read further.
We all have choices to make every day, yet many of us struggle to know if we are doing the right thing. Are we really hearing from God and walking in His will? We want to be obedient to Christ, but we struggle with relationships, finances, a job we don't like, a child with special needs, aging parents, and the list goes on.
The truth is we need direction for every decision--where to go to college, whom to marry, where to go to church, which job to take, what ministries to be involved in, how to handle our finances, how to handle broken relationships, and so many other things.
Seek Him First has been written to show you exactly how you can seek God and find the direction you need for the journey. This book is for those who know God has a plan for their lives but don't know how to make it a reality from day to day.
In the pages of this book, I will show you how I learned to spend time with God every day.
You will be able to commit (and stay committed) to a daily quiet time that will stir up a hunger inside of you for more of God.
You will begin to know when He is speaking to you and follow His plan for your life. And you will be so filled with excitement and zeal when you begin to hear God's voice, that you will no longer be satisfied with just sitting in a pew.
You will have a desire to be on mission with the God of the universe, and that, my friend, will change your world.
About the Author
Best-selling author Jennifer Hayes Yates is a wife, mama, writer, and speaker with an empty nest and a Southern accent. Having taught in Christian education for twenty-two years, she has a passion for communicating God’s truth and inspiring women to get grounded in the Word and grow their faith.
Jennifer writes a weekly blog, is active on social media, and speaks regularly to women's groups and conferences. She also has an online study series called Anatomy of the Bible, where she teaches the chronological, historical, and cultural overview of the Bible.}
Lover of all things Jesus, books, and coffee, she can be found in quiet corners or busy spaces, sipping lattes, studying commentaries, and chatting up strangers.
You can follow Jennifer on Facebook, Instagram, and at Jenniferhyates.com.