Revelations of Divine Love
‘Revelations of Divine Love’ is a fourteenth-century work of Christian mysticism and the first book by a woman to be published in English. While struck with a serious illness, the anchorite Julian of Norwich prayed fervently for a deeper understanding of God’s love. After her surprise recovery, she reported sixteen visions from Christ; these revealed deep religious truths that provided great insight in a time of plague, war, and religious schism. Her mystic visions revealed Christ's sufferings with extreme intensity, but they also confirmed God's constant love for humanity and infinite capacity for forgiveness. Regardless if it is read for its historical significance or its religious message, ‘Revelations of Divine Love’ is a truly inspiring text. Julian's writing offers what some believe to be one of the most moving discussions of God's love in all of Christian literature. "Truth sees God, and wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a holy and wonderful delight in God, who is love." — Julian of Norwich (Revelations of Divine Love)