Relationship Anxiety Decluttered
Each day that passes, are you getting more and more clingy with your partner? Do you retreat from a good situation just to beat someone to the punch? Are negative thoughts and “anxious triggers” taking over your happy place?
The truth is…so many of us are walking around struggling to embrace a loving and intimate relationship, but instead, we’re self-sabotaging what should be a beautiful moment in our life.
No one wants to go through life having destroyed all the missed opportunities of being with someone genuinely interested in them. If only you had the simple tools to declutter your relationship anxiety; now you do!
The solution includes understanding the specific events that create your “anxiety triggers” and using the “mind detox method” to free yourself, allowing love and intimacy to blossom.
With this transformation, you’ll gain the clarity to know what true anxiety is, how to release it, and step boldly into love. And that’s what you will learn in Relationship Anxiety Decluttered.
The goal of this book is simple: It will show you the simple steps you can take to declutter your relationship anxiety and start loving again.

About the Author
Jennifer Hathaway is an author who focuses on writing a range of relationship self-help books. After years of struggling to love fully, Jennifer decided she had to find a way to overcome her relationship challenges.
After some deep self-reflection and behavioral changes, Jennifer and her partner Tom have reconnected and now share the deepest and most fulfilling relationship. They have healed and rediscovered the excitement and love for each other.
This fueled a passion for Jennifer to help others who may be suffering from relationship anxiety, who is suffering from jealousy, attachment, worry, and fear. After all, we all deserve to be free to love unconditionally.
Outside writing books, Jennifer loves to travel, hang out with Henry the Labrador and create precious memories with Tom.