Protection Spells
  • Digital List Price: USD 16.99
  • Offer Price: USD 10.99
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Adams Media

Protection Spells

Clear Negative Energy, Banish Unhealthy Influences, and Embrace Your Power
Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Banish bad energy, ward off unpleasant people, and defend your belongings, your spirit and your space with this spellbook focused specifically on protection.
In our modern world there is a lot to worry about, from the global-scale—climate change, political uncertainty—to the personal—a toxic ex, cyber bulling. Spellcrafting can help you find comfort in a stressful world. This book will give you the tools to take charge of defending yourself in both energy and physicality.
With over 100 spells for protection and defense, and a glossary of protective symbols, stones, and other objects to keep on hand, this book can help you cleanse your room and cast out old negative energies, put a protective and peace-preserving bubble around yourself as you ride the bus, deflect grumpiness and negativity from people you work with—and so much more!


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About the Author

Arin Murphy-Hiscock is the author of The Green Witch’s GrimoireSpellcraftingThe Pregnant Goddess, WiccaThe Green WitchThe Way of the Hedge WitchHouse Witch, The Witch’s Book of Self-Care, Pagan PregnancySolitary Wicca for Life, and The Hidden Meaning of Birds—A Spiritual Field Guide. She has been active in the field of alternative spirituality for over twenty years and lives in Montreal, Canada.
