God Meant it for Good
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  • Language: English

God Meant it for Good

R.T. Kendall

God Meant It For Good traces the stages of Joseph's life as he matures from a young and impetuous man to one who is prepared to leave his own vindication with God. It presents a case study in total forgiveness exemplified by Joseph's reconciliation with his brothers and applies it to Christian living today. This classic book will challenge, provoke, transform and excite, as the God who taught Joseph to love, forgive and serve, is the God who meant it for good.
The God Meant it for Good Workbook and Group Facilitator’s Guide will challenge Bible study groups, home groups, and Sunday school classes to explore deeper levels of insight and application into this case study in total forgiveness. This user-friendly study includes twelve weeks of engaging group discussion prompts, activities, prayer points, and weekly challenges. Fall deeper into the care of the God who meant it for good.
"If I could have only one book with the exception of the Bible. I would choose God Meant it for God by R.T. Kendall... If you are going through something you don't understand, perhaps your dreams have been shattered or you have been falsely accused, this book is 'must' reading." —Jim Bakker


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About the Author

R. T. Kendall (D.Phil, Oxford) was the pastor of Westminister Chapel in London, England, for twenty-five years. He is well known internationally as a speaker and teacher. Dr. Kendall is the author of more than 40 books, including The Thorn in the Flesh, Grace, In Pursuit of His Glory, The Sensitivity of the Spirit, Total Forgiveness, Just Say Thanks!, Pure Joy, and The Anointing: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. He is now the director of R T Kendall Ministries in America, and he resides in Florida.
