Emotional Intelligence
What are the benefits of knowing and developing emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and monitor one's feelings and those of others and use that information to act and adapt to social situations. It, therefore, means learning to use, understand and manage emotions in a fully conscious way.
Knowing one's emotions means improving oneself enriching one's social and working life, and managing more negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and stress.
This book covers:
Why do we need emotions?
The personal competencies of emotional intelligence
Social competencies of emotional intelligence
Understanding emotional drain and energy vampire
Emotional intelligence at work
Emotional intelligence at home
Busting the myths about emotional intelligence
Are you emotionally intelligent?
Do you know that to be successful, you need to have a high emotional intelligence? For a while, most people thought that to achieve success, you had to have a high iq; however, recent research studies show otherwise. Emotional intelligence enables you to effectively identify your emotions, people’s emotions and to react accordingly. It also teaches you how to analyze situations before making a decision.