Buddhism 101
  • Digital List Price: USD 16.99
  • Offer Price: USD 10.99
  • ISBN/ASIN: 9781507204290
  • SKU/ASIN: B06W5532GV
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Adams Media

Buddhism 101

From Karma to the Four Noble Truths, Your Guide to Understanding the Principles of Buddhism
Arnie Kozak

Learn everything you need to know about Buddhism in this clear and straightforward new guide.
Buddhism was founded thousands of years ago, and has inspired millions of people with its peaceful teachings. Buddhism 101 highlights and explains the central concepts of Buddhism to the modern reader, with information on mindfulness, karma, The Four Noble Truths, the Middle Way, and more.
Whether you’re just looking to understand Buddhism or explore the philosophy in your own life and own journey to Enlightenment, this book gives you everything you need to know!


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About the Author

Arnie Kozak, PhD, is a psychotherapist, clinical assistant professor in psychiatry at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, and workshop leader at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, The Copper Beech Institute, and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. He is author of Wild Chickens and Petty Tyrants: 108 Metaphors for MindfulnessThe Everything Guide to the Introvert EdgeThe Awakened Introvert: Practical Mindfulness Skills for Maximizing Your Strengths and Thriving in a Loud and Crazy WorldThe Everything Essentials Buddhism Book, and Mindfulness A-Z: 108 Insights for Awakening Now. Arnie has been practicing yoga and meditation for over thirty years and is dedicated to translating the Buddha’s teachings into readily accessible forms. In the long winters of northern Vermont when he’s not working, he rides the frozen slopes on his snowboard. During the short summers, he golfs. During all seasons, you can find him trail running with his dogs in the foothills of the Green Mountains.
