Basic Witches
A magical lifestyle guide for everything from powering up a stylish crystal to banishing terrible Tinder dates
Want to feel terrifyingly beautiful? Wear the right color of eye shadow to project otherworldly glamour. Need to exorcise a toxic friendship? Repeat the proper incantation and make it disappear. Want to increase your energy? Whip up a tasty herbal “potion” to rev up your stamina. DIY projects, rituals, and spells—along with fun historical sidebars—summon the best trends of the modern witchy lifestyle and the time-trusted traditions of the hell-raising women of the past. With humor, heart, and a hip sensibility, Jaya Saxena and Jess Zimmerman dispense witchy wisdom for the curious, the cynical, and anyone who could use a magical boost.
About the Author
Jaya Saxena is a queer writer and editor whose work has appeared in Eater.com, ELLE, GQ, the Daily Dot, The New Yorker, The Toast, The Hairpin and more. Follow her on Twitter @jayasax.
Jess Zimmerman is an editor at Quirk Books, and has been published in the Guardian, the New Republic, Slate, Hazlitt, Catapult, and others. Her essays have been recognized as notable in Best American Essays 2016 and Best American Essays 2017, and she was also the winner of the 2016 Paper Darts fiction contest. She lives in Brooklyn.