An Introduction to the Devout Life
First published in 1609, ‘An Introduction to the Devout Life’ is Saint Francis de Sales' work which belongs to the Christian tradition of “Lectio Divina” or “Divine Reading”. Like Thomas à Kempis’ “The Imitation of Christ” it is a work intended to provide guidance to the individual desiring spiritual direction in order to lead a more devout life. Based on a series of letters between Francis and his cousin, Madame Marie de Charmoisy, who as the wife of an ambassador of the Duke of Savoy was struggling with the distractions to faith associated with court life, “An Introduction to the Devout Life” was crafted from those original letters into a guide for a more general audience. Through five parts Francis discusses the aspiration to a devout life, the use of prayer and sacraments, the personal characteristics of virtue necessary to the devout life, the challenge of temptation and how to overcome it, and the practices for renewing and confirming the soul in devotion. An immensely popular work of Christian spirituality, it remains as relevant today as when it was first published.
About the Author
Francis de Sales, C.O., T.O.M., A.O.F.M. Cap. was a Bishop of Geneva and is honored as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. His father sent him to a good school when he was young, and he received spiritual formation from the Jesuits. After a disturbing spiritual fear of being condemned, he eventually resolved his problem and decided to dedicate his life to God in 1587. He became a doctor of law at the age of 24 at the Jesuit College of Clermont, Paris, and was ordained a priest by Bishop Claude de Granier and stationed in Geneva in 1593. He became bishop of Geneva in 1602.
Francis de Sales is the author of various collections of sermons on Mary, Lent, prayer and Christmastide. He was known as a spiritually understanding man as well as a friend of the poor. Though known for his great intellect and theological wisdom, he spoke with simplicity and earnestness, so that all could understand. An Introduction to the Devout Life, his best-loved work, is based on notes he wrote for a cousin for marriage, stressing that sanctity is possible in everyday life. He was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in 1665. His feast is celebrated on January 24.