7 Cups for the Searching Soul
  • Digital List Price: USD 0.99
  • Offer Price: FREE
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Cultivation Press

7 Cups for the Searching Soul

7Cups community

Ready to change your life? Learn simple-yet-powerful concepts from the largest mental health community in the world. CEO, founder and psychologist Dr. Glen Moriarty and the 7 Cups community share what they’ve learned help people most.
Feeling stuck? Depressed? Anxious? In this free self-help book, 7 Cups for the Searching Soul, the 7 Cups community and founder and psychologist Glen Moriarty have combined all the knowledge they’ve gained in working with those in need daily, including proven research and healing traditions, into an easy-to-read and implement 7-step program.
Learn why you feel the way you do and how to break free from thoughts and emotions that keep you stuck. Improve your relationships and your life in seven steps, or “cups”:
Cup 1: Open - Share what’s on your heart
Cup 2: Attune - Attune to love
Cup 3: Practice - Practice skills to increase calm
Cup 4: Live - Sleep, eat, and exercise well
Cup 5: Accept - Accept what life brings you
Cup 6: Care - Care for others that need support
Cup 7: Commit - Live according to what is important


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